I tried another blog site yesterday it was good. But it was not as pretty and every bit as confusing. I think it was My Space. You will know if I managed to get your e-mail address entered. It should send you an invite. I finally decided that blogging when tired is hazardous to your blood pressure. It was more my fatigue and brain fog that led me to defect than this site. Truthfully I have a second blog walkerolog that put me over the edge. I was trying things that I was afraid would mess up this page and embarrass me. Now, hey I could always change the tile to the M.S. Mess up Site ha ha.
At least I know more about this and ME.My neighbor Gail came over to help me find my car keys but I asked her to help me relocate my new Pamper Chef stuff and Our birthday glasses. We never did get to the P.C. stuff. Once Gail opened my cabinet and drawers she was in 'chuck it ' heaven. No, it is not all gone. She got the glasses all arranged along with a couple of drawers. I must admit it was fun. I might even do it again some time. Luckily Gail had to go before we reached my bedroom! She chucks like a crazy woman!
That reminds me I haven't found my keys yet and I have a bone scan in the A.M.
Key Ya later, Kim
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