Thursday, September 9, 2010

411 Update 9-9-2010

Just shows that life never stops and time moves on w/o ya.
Well, a quick update on mom, (Ida Marianne) & her state of affairs. She is still in the state and admits to nothing. She and Nadine Shakespeare(a nanny we/she hired to keep an eye on her) are pretty good buds now. Mom is now 15 months passed open heart by pass & patch. She really is doing quite well. What she needs most now is a little down shifting. It can be hard to tell who is the boss some days since technically Nadine works for mom. But Nadine's job includes asking/telling mom things she should and should not do. On several different days in the past weeks I went to a water aerobics 'pool party' with the Zipper-chested twins. (Nadine had open heart slice, pass & patch a few years before mom)
The remainder of this 411 will be more random than sequential. So be prepared to be confused and welcome to "Kim's cognitive conundrum. I don't really intend to direct the topics,but do more of a free flowing pecking order. Whatever strikes my fancy. Similar to the way Seinfeld was all about nothing. I see this blog becoming all about anything. At any moment.
Also, with my left hand impacted by my M.S. leaving it weak and inaccurate I am not going to stress over typos. Sorry English teachers and friends. In this venue I am just not going to stress over it. My energy is as precious to me as my time. And I'd rather do my free flow write uninterrupted than take time to spl chk and; delete. If that is not acceptable let me know what pieces you would like me to edit for publication and I'll be happy to consider it. Or you can click your way to a more polished blog.

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