Thursday, April 30, 2009

<4-29-09 Ant Wars I know you thought you wouldn't hear from me until Sept. Surprise! I discovered that being busy is not the whole of my reason for not blogging.The more accurate answer is motivation. The events in my life seemed either too discouraging or too personal to share publicly. You do realize anyone who really wants to can read this!?"Anyone" makes it public. Well. This morning started off swell. I felt good, no headache, minor stiffness in left leg and none in my back!I was on my way to accomplish things! focused, I charged down stairs.Well, emotional anyway, 'you charge with a stiff left limp' go ahead I'll wait. O.K. I think you see my point and maybe why my world is less than efficient , if still effective. Kitchen, Yes. tackle the kitchen. Great, almost empty sink! I just love seeing the bottom of my sinks especially when not through dishwater!Things are going to be great today!...Ant!...Ant! Ant? A platoon of perfect single file sugar soldiers trooped along the front edge of my sink gathering for what I guess was mail call at the left corner! Zillions & Zillions of them.( O.K. exaggeration for effect.) There were far too many to even guesstimate and they were moving! Any whey, I had dealt with these minute troops before on this very battle field. My order in dealing with them was; Remove all traces of food. Yes General, that makes perfect sense no food in the kitchen. None at all. I am sure that is how the rest of the world keeps ants out of their kitchens!? As speedy as I am I could not stay ahead of the perscission pursuers. They poured through the corner gap like water. Only, I could swear I could hear a tiny umpff as each dropped to the sill. It sounds much like a leak in a bicycle tire, tiny but unending. Not knowing the location of our ant munitions I was left to my own devices. Soap! What can survive cleaning supplies? gooey, thick, slick, dish washing detergent. I poured it on. I washed it in. They were gone. at least until reinforcements arrived this a.m. Today, Oxyclean! Mounds of the white crystal death were heaped at the base of their supposed encampment. Now I wait.
As it turns out the general returned home and procured and applied some ant munitions so I will never know if the victory was mine or the general's. No matter. We're all fighting for the same kitchen!!! And I get to leave the food!

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